Eight Virtues of Bushido

The principles of Bushido can be summarized by eight virtues:

Righteousness (義 Gi): Be honest and believe in justice.

Heroic Courage (勇 Yū): Hiding is never the answer! A warrior must face battles and difficulties in an intelligent way.

Benevolence, Compassion (仁 Jin): The power of the warrior must be used for good, and warriors have to help other people.

Respect (礼 Rei): Respecting others is a way to be respected. There is no need to prove one’s strength.

Honesty (誠 Makoto): A warrior has to keep his promises, and perform his duties. Speaking and doing are one.

Honor (名誉 Meiyo): The only judge of the warrior is his own honor. Decisions they make are a reflection of who they really are.

Duty and Loyalty (忠義 Chūgi): A warrior is responsible for his words and actions. They are infinitely loyal to their loved ones.

Self-Control (自制 Jisei): A warrior must cultivate self-control and not lose his temper, even when in danger.

Eight Virtues of Bushido

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